In the Mirror-part 3

Mr. Chanon led me up to the deck of the huge ship and I gazed over the vast expansion of the deep blue ocean. “It’s so big.” I whispered. “Indeed it is. We’ve been sailing for a long time. I forgot how long.” A voice next to me said in return. I whirled around and saw a girl about 4 inches taller than me, with jet black hair that fell around her shoulders. She looked nothing like me, but the one quality we shared was our forest green eyes.

Hers looked wild and free, like an eagle’s. Mine probably looked scared and lonely, but that was how I was feeling right about then. She looked me up and down, but didn’t frown, like most people. Her eyes glinted with mischief as she asked me,”You’re not one of the pilgrims are you. Are you a stow away? “Of course not! But if I told you where I came from, you probably wouldn’t believe me.” I said. “Just tell me. You’re making me feel much too curious.” The mystery girl said. “Alright, I have come from Ireland, and moved to England, then came on board this ship.” I knew it was a lie, but I didn’t feel comfortable telling her what had really happened, and my ancestors did come from Ireland and Scotland, hence my frizzy red hair,  So it wasn’t a total lie.

“Where are your parents?” The girl asked. “They died back in England.” I said. Another lie that I would have to explain later. “My name is Catalina.” The girl with the black hair said. “Mine is Adel.” That part was true, so that was easy to admit. “Would you like to stay with me and my family in our corner of the boat?” “Sure. That would be great.” I said, grateful that she suggested it.

I stayed with Catalina for about 1 month, but after that, I lost track of the date. The days came one after another. Every day consisted of the same thing: wake up, have a devotion with Catalina and her family, make our beds (on the floor of course), eat a terrible tasting breakfast, spend the afternoon doing nothing, eat lunch, spend the later portion of the afternoon doing nothing, eat dinner, and then go back to bed. The days were very uneventful and boring.

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