
A jug, a barrel, a can,

a goblet, a pitcher, or vase,

no matter the shape, size,

decoration, or purpose,

I am a vessel,

and so are you.

You hold, you store

you pour, you splash.

You are used, and so am I.

A vessel of intricate design.

Honey-comb like in our storage,

we are pack-rats

of odds and ends,

valuables, and trash.

Always collecting, rarely discarding,

always accepting, always receiving,

always looking for more and more.

Pouring like a fountain,

or maybe like a hose.

Draining like a sieve,

or flushing like a toilet.

Many entries,

many exits,

many gates to guard.

Can you count them all?

Are you protected?

So many functions, and yet so simple.

So many goals, and yet one end.

Recording our existence,

every facet, every drop.

Do I have a choice,

or do I not?

I am a vessel

and so are you.

Have you discovered your shape lately?

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