Category: The Demoniac

The Demoniac

​Without doubt you’ll never guess who I was. I was mentioned in the gospels and Jesus completely revolutionized my life, but my name was never mentioned. I will say this though. When Jesus met me I was probably more in need of his help and a miracle in my life than anyone else in the entire Bible. I was certainly the grungiest and most disgusting looking. I was completely naked, unshaven, covered with slime, and prone to shrieking uncontrollably, and cut myself with rocks. You’ve probably figured it out now. Yeah, that was me, the demoniac. I was completely filled with demons when Jesus found me. I was the kind of person that people avoided. Well, I lived in a cemetery. My family and everyone in the cities had driven me out of town because of my violence and uncontrollable behavior. They had even tried unsuccessfully the shackle me with chains more than once. It didn’t matter. I just broke them all. I don’t even remember how it all started. Well, not exactly. All I know is that I loved to go to the various temples of Diana that were located in the Decapolis. Each time I betrayed my family and secretly went to worship at these temples I would begin to feel strange urges and conflicting desires within me. They would go away eventually, but I noticed, along with my wife, that I was getting a temper and becoming violent. The priestesses at the temple never told me what was happening. Others weren’t affected. Over time, I noticed that I was getting worse and worse. I would hear voices in my head and sometimes I would lose control of myself. Continue reading